Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The best concert ever ❤

In my life i went to many concerts, when I a had 15 years old my first concert  was to Avril Lavigne, she is my favorite artist, I know everything about her, i had every cd`s, I have every songs in mi iPod, I have millions of pictures in my room, when i was 12 years she became in my favority artist, when I was 14 years I try to ride in skate, bur the only thing that i got was so many scars in my arms  But also i like others artists and I went to really amazing concert like Lady gaga and Britney spears`s, also I went to Babasonicos, evanescence, Miley cyrus concerts.... But without a doubt the best concert I had enjoyed was the last one, was in may 9 this year, and it was an Avril Lavigne concert. It was in Movistar Arena, and was completely amazing because I was on the first lines and I was so closed to her, I took so many photos with my camera and I sang every song, the concerts to last 90 minutes.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Food and Sustainability

 Do you know what that mean sustainability?

Sustainability refers to the ability of being able to sustain themselves, without outside help and without exhausting resources.
Healthy ecosystems provide goods and services to humans and other organisms. There are two major ways of reducing negative human impact and enhancing ecosystem services.

An interesting example of a sustainability is a project in Mexico, the subway runs powered by biogas energy generated with trash. In 2003, a partnership with a German company started to harvest the methane gas produced by the natural process of decomposition in landfills. Normally this gas gets into the atmosphere as pollution, and as a greenhouse gas, methane contributes to global warming. This project is sustainable because it can keep being beneficial, without outside help and without exhausting the resources necessary for operation.

About the video, Food forests are at the heart of Permaculture and they’re quickly becoming a hot topic in many areas of debate as people realize their full potential. Let's face it, with all our consuming global problems, there aren't many natural solutions out there that can halt & reverse deforestation, stabilize the climate, solve poverty & extreme hunger all in one hit, isn’t it? Even though this is exactly what the food forest is capable of, and provided people understand it and are at the centre of the system, they can go on living off that land forever. It is very difficult mainly because there is no culture that allows it to be developed, maybe when people have a conscience that the resources can run low, and they teach their children that they must take care the planet, maybe in that moment will can implement projects like this.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A country you´d like to visit

Since that  i´m a little girl, my only wish was travel for all world... i excited the idea for know different people, different culture, but the most exciting idea its take my camera and travel for different places, i wanna visit : Morocco, USA, Colombia, London, Germany, Egypt.... i wanna take a shot about everything... in Morocco i wanna talk with the people,  wanna learn about the food, religion, dancing... this dance is incredible, i wanna take a thousand shots and learned too. in U.S.A i wanna know everyplace, but first i wanna go to Orlando Florida, because Disney is in that place..and know it is my dream child. I wanna travel to San Andres that is a island in Colombia, that could be amazing... it's doesn't matter the place... the only thing that is important is learn.. learn about people... about places, about cultures, about food, about smells... The only thing i'm completely sure its when the moment comes, i will have my camera ready :)