Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My future job

Hi bloggers, today I have to talk about my future job... when came the moment to decided how study was very difficult, i think a lot.. and I decided study agriculture engineer, I don´t known so much about this career, But my dad have a friend and she is a agriculture engineer, she help me a lot, she explain me about the career and that help me to makes my choice, in this moment I love my career, I think I chose right, but it has been very difficult, when I finished my career I wanna make a major in California U.S.A or in Spain, I want to specialize in enology because is which like, I want work outdoors because I can´t be quiet for a long time I need to do stuff every time but I hope don´t work in a place very wet because I terrify the snails but if I have to work indoors I would like in laboratory, the past year i work in biochemistry laboratory with a professor and I like a lot, and I learn a lot of stuff.
I wish to have the opportunity travel a lot in my job, I wanna know every place in this world, and I want to learn about everything.


  1. I think that enology is a good area to specialize, good luck!!!

  2. I will loved to have a friend specialized on enology jaja :) love U!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I´ve to admite that the part of the snails made me laught! I hope you can realise all your dreams because you deserve it!
