Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Trash Management

Hi bloggers! today the topic is Trash management... 
Trash affect everyones, each person produce like a 384 kg aprox per years, that´s a lot, if multiply for every persons in the worldis a huge quantity of trash, for that reason exist the trash managment. One measure could be a recycle, we can help in differents ways, in different places around the city we can found a diferents containers one for paper, other for glass, carton, plastics, etc, you can help to save the world, reduce the quantity of trash and reuse this materials, the only thing you have to do is separate this things in your house and later take and put in this containers.

In Chile we don´t have a culture to recycle like in others countries, they have different  trash can, one for the carton, plastic, paper and the trash truck take this different materials and take them for a recycling plant.

Other form you have to help is buy a rechargeable batteries, with this we help to reduce the quantity the batteries in the trash , this is so important because the batteries get delay like a 1000 years to decompose and this are highly contaminant, the batteries have very metals  like mercury ( this is the most damaging), zinc, cadmium, arsenic. These metals could be absorb to the soil, that is very dangerous because they can arrive to the sea, one battery done with mercury can be contaminate like 600.000 lts of water and kill to many sea animals


  1. I wonder how is the procedure of recycling batteries...

  2. If we recycle and put the trash in different trash can, then all the trash goes to the same place? WOW that is a big problem!
