Tuesday, October 21, 2014

English Language Challenges

Hi bloggers today is my last blog and I talking about the English course a made this semester, I decided take this course because I think is really important and necessary learn English, now so many classes take paper you have to read in English if you don’t know is so much difficult, I like English so much but I lost the practice and this was more difficult I thought, in the school I know so much that now, I don’t taken a English curse since 2008, and that is so many years.

 The blog are a really good idea for improve the grammar and how is the correct form to write, I really sure the aspect I need to be improved is my grammar, I forgot many verbs,
past and past participle form and when I have to used, my plan for improve this is read more, I have books in English and I’m completely sure that if a read it that help me a lot.

Outside class, the English now is an important work tool, because if in the future you need travel other country the majority of people know how to speak English, even now in the university so many classes are in English and if you don’t know, probably you will need a translator and you learning could be slower, if you need read paper or documents in English, even if you need look up in books or magazines… the English is a powerful tool… if you have the possibility to take any course or if you have someone than can teach you, take advantage of that. 


  1. Traveling is the best form to practice so... you know!! jaja we have to plan a trip :) Where do you want to go?

  2. I totally agree with you when you said that english is a powerful tool! And I agree with Isidora, we must plan a trip jajaja :D
