Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Year 2014: Good and Bad Points

Hi bloggers today the topic is the year 2014 the bad and good things, it´s supposed that be my year, because is the horse year, personally I think it’s not like that, first I don’t have an excellent summer because I was sick, for that reason I can’t enjoy a lot, but I worked and that me allow save money for to this next summer, I will hope make a great trip with my friends.
As soon as University the truth is that was very exhausting, I wake up with sleepy every day and I don’t know why, I think I need so many days to sleep and rest but I have to wait to the holydays, The first semester was a completely disaster, I started full of enthusiasm, but something happened in the half way that steal all my energy and that cause I fail a course, that was terrible, meanwhile I make fun of with my friends, they makes me my life so much funny, and I really really hope this semester could be better  for me.

But not everything is bad, I met very nice people, and my best friend came from usa in June, she hasn't been here in two years, she stayed here like 1 month, that's amazing we made so many things, go to different places, and laugh a lot.

I hope this last part to 2014 will be better, I have to study a lot to pass my classes I need a job to save money to my vacations I want travel to Colombia or any place in South America.

1 comment:

  1. Sally all is on your mind, if you want something you have to fight for it, is not bad luck is all on you! be possitive!
