Tuesday, October 21, 2014

English Language Challenges

Hi bloggers today is my last blog and I talking about the English course a made this semester, I decided take this course because I think is really important and necessary learn English, now so many classes take paper you have to read in English if you don’t know is so much difficult, I like English so much but I lost the practice and this was more difficult I thought, in the school I know so much that now, I don’t taken a English curse since 2008, and that is so many years.

 The blog are a really good idea for improve the grammar and how is the correct form to write, I really sure the aspect I need to be improved is my grammar, I forgot many verbs,
past and past participle form and when I have to used, my plan for improve this is read more, I have books in English and I’m completely sure that if a read it that help me a lot.

Outside class, the English now is an important work tool, because if in the future you need travel other country the majority of people know how to speak English, even now in the university so many classes are in English and if you don’t know, probably you will need a translator and you learning could be slower, if you need read paper or documents in English, even if you need look up in books or magazines… the English is a powerful tool… if you have the possibility to take any course or if you have someone than can teach you, take advantage of that. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Year 2014: Good and Bad Points

Hi bloggers today the topic is the year 2014 the bad and good things, it´s supposed that be my year, because is the horse year, personally I think it’s not like that, first I don’t have an excellent summer because I was sick, for that reason I can’t enjoy a lot, but I worked and that me allow save money for to this next summer, I will hope make a great trip with my friends.
As soon as University the truth is that was very exhausting, I wake up with sleepy every day and I don’t know why, I think I need so many days to sleep and rest but I have to wait to the holydays, The first semester was a completely disaster, I started full of enthusiasm, but something happened in the half way that steal all my energy and that cause I fail a course, that was terrible, meanwhile I make fun of with my friends, they makes me my life so much funny, and I really really hope this semester could be better  for me.

But not everything is bad, I met very nice people, and my best friend came from usa in June, she hasn't been here in two years, she stayed here like 1 month, that's amazing we made so many things, go to different places, and laugh a lot.

I hope this last part to 2014 will be better, I have to study a lot to pass my classes I need a job to save money to my vacations I want travel to Colombia or any place in South America.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Hi bloggers today the topic is facebook...  I’m a person who use facebook a lot and I think they have positive and negative aspect.. Why? personally facebook help me a lot, because one of my best friends live in U.S.A and with this is so easy talk with her in every moment, when she left the only way that we have to communicate was letters and this delay many weeks even months, now is so much easy, the others positive aspect they have is you can talk or watch photos to people with you don’t talk frequently, for example your old friends, you high school friends, family and friend who live in other cities… even for the university is useful, because you can organize for a work with your classmates.

But not everything is so good, facebook have negative aspect too, maybe not for me but I see in others people, for example the photo in which someone add a “tag” you could be a trouble if the photo is not the best one, or if you leave you facebook open, someone could be pretend be you and post bad thing or put other photo, etc… other thing could be happen is find chats, photos, post in the wall so many thing that could be misinterpreted and that could be bring a looooooot of trouble…. For that reason you should be careful with how you write in your wall, or with photos you uploaded.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

How green are you?

Hi bloggers today the topic is How green are you?...
Today so many people are worried about the recycling, and how can do better, and ones of biggest problem is the batteries, we are used batteries in so many thigs like toys, watch, electrical appliance, computers,etc... and all this thing its part of the waste in houses, some batteries contain different chemical compound, and when this run down could be affect negatively.
exist different types of batteries like:

  • acid batteries and manganese oxid
  • batteries compound to cadmium-nickel
  • batteries compund to acid lead ( this are in most to automobile industry)
  • batteries compound to mercury oxid
Not all those batteries are equally dangerous, this depend about the differents chemistry compound, the most dangerous are the mercury batteries.

What can do to help and reduce the quantity to batteries?

First you can use more electrical appliance, and if you have to do use batteries you can buy the rechargable batteries, this way you help to reduce the quantity of batteries because you reused instead  throw out of waste.

Batteries recycling? 
The batteries are bring to recycling plant and that place are been separate to others metals.
This way reclycle a dangerous compound y we prevent to contaminate the enviroment and damage persons.

What can we do with this batteries?
these are been almacened, after are grind mechanically and you will have ferric slag and no ferric, paper, plastic and powder.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Trash Management

Hi bloggers! today the topic is Trash management... 
Trash affect everyones, each person produce like a 384 kg aprox per years, that´s a lot, if multiply for every persons in the worldis a huge quantity of trash, for that reason exist the trash managment. One measure could be a recycle, we can help in differents ways, in different places around the city we can found a diferents containers one for paper, other for glass, carton, plastics, etc, you can help to save the world, reduce the quantity of trash and reuse this materials, the only thing you have to do is separate this things in your house and later take and put in this containers.

In Chile we don´t have a culture to recycle like in others countries, they have different  trash can, one for the carton, plastic, paper and the trash truck take this different materials and take them for a recycling plant.

Other form you have to help is buy a rechargeable batteries, with this we help to reduce the quantity the batteries in the trash , this is so important because the batteries get delay like a 1000 years to decompose and this are highly contaminant, the batteries have very metals  like mercury ( this is the most damaging), zinc, cadmium, arsenic. These metals could be absorb to the soil, that is very dangerous because they can arrive to the sea, one battery done with mercury can be contaminate like 600.000 lts of water and kill to many sea animals

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My future job

Hi bloggers, today I have to talk about my future job... when came the moment to decided how study was very difficult, i think a lot.. and I decided study agriculture engineer, I don´t known so much about this career, But my dad have a friend and she is a agriculture engineer, she help me a lot, she explain me about the career and that help me to makes my choice, in this moment I love my career, I think I chose right, but it has been very difficult, when I finished my career I wanna make a major in California U.S.A or in Spain, I want to specialize in enology because is which like, I want work outdoors because I can´t be quiet for a long time I need to do stuff every time but I hope don´t work in a place very wet because I terrify the snails but if I have to work indoors I would like in laboratory, the past year i work in biochemistry laboratory with a professor and I like a lot, and I learn a lot of stuff.
I wish to have the opportunity travel a lot in my job, I wanna know every place in this world, and I want to learn about everything.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Genetic Modified Organisms

GMO´s ( genetically modified organisms), are plant or animal created by techniques of biotechnology.
This experimental technology used DNA from differents species, creating a combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes cannot occur in nature.
A plant with a desired trait is chosen and reproduced to produce more plants with the desirable trait, and plants with this technology are called transgenics. 
When this process is used to produce insect or herbicide resistant plants, they are referred to Genetically Modified Crops.
Countries that grow GM crops include; Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, United States, Ukraine, and many more.
GMO´s have different uses like: 
  • Pest resistance
  • Herbicide tolerance
  • Disease resistance
  • Cold tolerance
  • Salinity tolerance
  • Nutricion
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Phytoremediation
I think that Herbicide tolerance, cold tolerance and disease resistant are the most important once, the GMO are used like food for many people and for that reason the food industries incorporated this technology. The diseases resistant and pest resistance have a positive results because that permit the less used of chemicals, and that contribute to people health, and the cold tolerance permit sow in cold places that usually you can`t sow. This is a topic you have keep in mind.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The best concert ever ❤

In my life i went to many concerts, when I a had 15 years old my first concert  was to Avril Lavigne, she is my favorite artist, I know everything about her, i had every cd`s, I have every songs in mi iPod, I have millions of pictures in my room, when i was 12 years she became in my favority artist, when I was 14 years I try to ride in skate, bur the only thing that i got was so many scars in my arms  But also i like others artists and I went to really amazing concert like Lady gaga and Britney spears`s, also I went to Babasonicos, evanescence, Miley cyrus concerts.... But without a doubt the best concert I had enjoyed was the last one, was in may 9 this year, and it was an Avril Lavigne concert. It was in Movistar Arena, and was completely amazing because I was on the first lines and I was so closed to her, I took so many photos with my camera and I sang every song, the concerts to last 90 minutes.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Food and Sustainability

 Do you know what that mean sustainability?

Sustainability refers to the ability of being able to sustain themselves, without outside help and without exhausting resources.
Healthy ecosystems provide goods and services to humans and other organisms. There are two major ways of reducing negative human impact and enhancing ecosystem services.

An interesting example of a sustainability is a project in Mexico, the subway runs powered by biogas energy generated with trash. In 2003, a partnership with a German company started to harvest the methane gas produced by the natural process of decomposition in landfills. Normally this gas gets into the atmosphere as pollution, and as a greenhouse gas, methane contributes to global warming. This project is sustainable because it can keep being beneficial, without outside help and without exhausting the resources necessary for operation.

About the video, Food forests are at the heart of Permaculture and they’re quickly becoming a hot topic in many areas of debate as people realize their full potential. Let's face it, with all our consuming global problems, there aren't many natural solutions out there that can halt & reverse deforestation, stabilize the climate, solve poverty & extreme hunger all in one hit, isn’t it? Even though this is exactly what the food forest is capable of, and provided people understand it and are at the centre of the system, they can go on living off that land forever. It is very difficult mainly because there is no culture that allows it to be developed, maybe when people have a conscience that the resources can run low, and they teach their children that they must take care the planet, maybe in that moment will can implement projects like this.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A country you´d like to visit

Since that  i´m a little girl, my only wish was travel for all world... i excited the idea for know different people, different culture, but the most exciting idea its take my camera and travel for different places, i wanna visit : Morocco, USA, Colombia, London, Germany, Egypt.... i wanna take a shot about everything... in Morocco i wanna talk with the people,  wanna learn about the food, religion, dancing... this dance is incredible, i wanna take a thousand shots and learned too. in U.S.A i wanna know everyplace, but first i wanna go to Orlando Florida, because Disney is in that place..and know it is my dream child. I wanna travel to San Andres that is a island in Colombia, that could be amazing... it's doesn't matter the place... the only thing that is important is learn.. learn about people... about places, about cultures, about food, about smells... The only thing i'm completely sure its when the moment comes, i will have my camera ready :)